Worksop Photography Club

by | 20 August 2022 | Hobbies, Worksop

The month of May saw the end of last year’s photo season at Worksop Photography Club, culminating in the Annual Exhibition judged by David Gibbins.

Huge congratulations go to Peter Joyce, winner in the Club Division with his image ‘Afterwork Drinks’, and Pete Warden in the Advanced Group with his image ‘White Tailed Eagle in a Tight Turn’ (which was also voted overall Annual Exhibition winner).

Worksop Photography Club would like to thank all the guest speakers and all competition judges for making the season a very enjoyable success.

To view some of the images, read about some of the club’s success in competitions and to find out what they got up to through the last season, visit

The first meeting of the new season starts at 7.00pm on 7th September, and will be via Zoom. Full details of the programme for 2022-2023 season is on the Club’s website.

The Club is looking forward to more incredible images, amazing stories and passion in what its members create to entertain and thrill you all – but most of all to welcoming you all to come take a look and join in!

Lastly, the Club wishes to offer huge congratulations to Club President Eileen Murray on her latest achievement – being awarded her EFIAP Platinum.

Eileen said: “I am super thrilled to announce that I have been awarded my EFIAP / Platinum. 700 acceptances with at least 250 different works, with seven photographs awarded in seven different salons and countries. I think this will be the end of my FIAP journey.” Well done, Eileen!