Worksop Rotary Club members joined in the Worksop Priory Christmas Tree Festival — their theme being ‘End Polio Now’. 23 members and guests attended the group’s annual Christmas party at the Lion Hotel and enjoyed good food, conversation and company. Thursday 14th December then saw a ‘Celebration of Christmas Music’ performed by musicians and choristers from Outwood Academy Portland and St Anne’s Primary School. The concert took place at St Anne’s Church Worksop and was a fantastic event much enjoyed by all. Thanks to everyone who took part and to Reverend Dave for the use of the church. Monies raised at the event will go to help a wide range of good causes including both schools and St Anne’s Church.
The annual Rotary collection at Morrisons took place over two days. The weather was cold, but dry and no repeat of last years’ strong winds and £987 was raised. Many thanks to Morrisons and all their customers. There was also a return to a revamped Tesco for the annual Rotary collection there. Rotarians were kept busy at all times with four or five collectors throughout both days from 8.00am to 7.00pm. A fantastic sum of £1,400 was raised for local good causes. Many thanks to all at Tesco, their customers and all who took part.
Clive and Julie held a festive ‘Blyth Brunch’ on Saturday 30th December which was much enjoyed. The event produced a £25.00 surplus for funds.
Register your teams and get your sponsorship forms now for the Swimathon at Worksop College on 15th April.
Worksop Rotary has many interesting events and speakers arranged for the coming year. Why not give them a try? Members meet every Tuesday evening at The Lion Hotel in Worksop — 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start. They would be very pleased to meet you. Please check them out on Facebook —