What did you do during lockdown?

by | 26 February 2022 | Community Focus, Health, Notice, Worksop

As I write this, with the threat of lockdown potentially on the cards many people are already wondering what to do and how to while away their time constructively.

Those who work from home can, of course, put their time to good use but for others it’s not so easy. Some get a dog, others devote themselves to reading, tidying the garden, building a wildlife pond, decorating, erecting a shed, watching box sets or honing a skill such as cookery or woodwork. But one man from Worksop saw it differently and wrote a book.

“It’s called ‘The Gift’,” he tells us. “And I’ve had it in mind for a long time. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and I used my time in lockdown to get it on paper, then talk to a publisher.

“It’s not a novel, in a sense it’s a kind of self-help book but with a difference. I urge readers to look at life as a gift and go out and experience it fully. It’s laid out as a collection of quotes from the likes of Confucius, Martin Luther King and others, some mainstream, one or two a bit more obscure, and against each quote I’ve put a little note on how it affected me, and how you can use it to enhance your life.

A lot of life is about attitude. People can easily get caught up in negativity when in fact there are opportunities all around you. I don’t make any claims, I just ask you to look at things differently.

“A publisher had a look at it and accepted it straight away and it’s been selling steadily ever since. I didn’t do it to make money, it’s just something I wanted to get off my chest. I’m 74 (yes, it’s never too late!) and I’ve had an interesting life shall we say; I thought it was time I gave something back.

“Lockdown, yes it can be tedious but if you organise yourself you can get a lot done. A lot of the pleasures in life are the little things. I think the first lockdown in particular caused people to reconsider what they felt was important, some told me they even preferred the slower pace of life and for the first time in years they had time to observe the small details that so often get overlooked; we’re far too busy rushing around.

“With the schools closed, a lot of parents also found time to reconnect with their kids. We need to be mindful not to forget the things we’ve learned in lockdown; we need to find time for ourselves and everything else will fall into place.

“There’s an old saying: ‘Everyone has a book in them’ and I believe this to be true; if there’s another lockdown folk should consider putting their ideas down on paper, you never know where it might lead!”

‘The Gift: A Strategy for a Better Life’ is available via Amazon online.