The William (Tim) Bevell Memorial Concert

by | 13 September 2024 | Music, Worksop

Worksop Priory Church of Our Lady and St Cuthbert is hosting a memorial concert in honour of William (Tim) Bevell (31st May 1930 – 31st August 2021), by kind permission of the vicar and churchwarden.

The concert is on Friday 27th September at 7.30pm. The Church is on Priorswell Road, Worksop, S80 2BW.

The concert will feature the première of Sonata ‘Veni Creator Spiritus’ Opus 218, composed in memory of William Bevell by Kjell Mørk Karlsen. This special piece will be performed by Ian Bevell in the presence of the composer, alongside other selected works.

Entry is free. A collection will be taken during the evening, with all proceeds generously donated to the Priory.