The Art Society Dukeries

by | 30 April 2024 | Art, Hobbies, Worksop

The Arts Society Dukeries’ next lecture is on Wednesday 1st May and is entitled ‘Stanford Raffles – Art Collector and Discoverer of Singapore’, by speaker Denise Haywood.

Raffles, whose name is synonymous with a luxury hotel rather than the greatest Buddhist temple in the world, was the enlightened colonial administrator of Java, Indonesia. He discovered the 8th century Temple of Borobudur, hidden under volcanic ash, in 1804, acquired wondrous artefacts in Java, such as shadow puppets and textiles, now in the British Museum, and founded Singapore, the most important trading port in the East.

The following lecture on 5th June is entitled Fra Angelico – Sweetness and Light.

Monthly Arts Society lectures take place at the Civic Centre, Carlton on the first Wednesday of every month. Members of the Society also enjoy two extra Special Interest days, newsletters, a national magazine, a coach holiday and days out to local places of interest.

The Society likes to involve local communities and has produced Trails of the local area, its churches and other special buildings.

Together with help for heritage issues and special projects, and also getting children and young people involved in art projects, there are many interesting ways in which people may engage in the Arts through the Society.

The Society meets at the Civic Centre, Long Lane, Carlton-in-Lindrick, S81 9AP. Tea and coffee are available before the lecture, ready to start by 10.50am and lasting for approximately one hour. Free car parking is available. Members pay an annual subscription; visitors are welcome, paying at the door.

For further, phone Caroline on 01909 531614 or Gill on 01909 540506, or visit