Soroptimists day at the races

by | 18 December 2019 | Social Group, Worksop

Soroptimist International Club of the Dukeries was founded nearly 50 years ago, fundraising for local, national and international charities, particularly those supporting women and girls. They are a small, friendly group of women, who meet regularly for social activities. The club holds monthly business meetings and also gets together for dinner meetings to listen to a wide range of interesting speakers, talking on some very diverse topics.

On Saturday 7th September, one of the club’s members, Stephanie Lakin, kindly opened up her home to host a horse racing event in aid of both international and local charities. Members placed bets on various races being held on that day at Doncaster Racecourse, including the St Ledger race. A massive £136.30 was raised for a very worthy international charity, Mary’s Meals, which is currently operating in 17 countries around the world, helping to ensure that some 1.5 million children do not have to go a day without a meal. This event also raised £27.50 in cake sales for the charity, while at the previous business meeting the ladies put together ten back packs, containing vital equipment for school children in these countries.

A separate raffle made £100.00 for Bassetlaw Hospice and a further £17.00 was raised by selling homemade greetings cards. All the excitement of the races unfolded as the races were viewed live on screen and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day.

The club then had great pleasure in presenting a cheque to Mary’s Meals community ambassador Liz Tarleton, at their dinner meeting on 26th September at Ye Olde Bell.

For further information on how you can become involved in the many rewarding social and fundraising activities planned for the coming year, please contact Caroline Mason on 01909 473071 or Denise Pears on 01909 473327. All newcomers are guaranteed a warm welcome!