Nottinghamshire Environmental Association

by | 30 September 2022 | Environment, Hobbies, Social Group, Worksop

Nottinghamshire Environmental Association members visited Belton House near Grantham on Monday 12th September. Details to follow in the next edition.

In October the Association moves away from outdoor visits to a programme of indoor talks until the end of the year.
These talks and slide shows will take place in Hallcroft Community Centre on Randall Way in Retford. Doors open at 7.10pm and the talk starts at 7.30pm. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served at the end of the talk, which will usually last just over an hour.
There is a fee of £2.00 per member per talk, with non-members paying £3.00 per talk. The programme for 2022 is:

  • Thursday 6th October: ‘The Honey Bee’, Colin Watkin
  • Thursday 3rd November: ‘A Plan – a Pasture and an Owl’, Paul Willcock
  • Thursday 1st December: an environmental quiz organised by Adrian Blackburn, which will be followed by Christmas nibbles and drinks.

Membership is open to anyone who wishes to turn up. Fees are £10.00 for the year with an additional £2.00 for each of the indoor talks.

For further information please contact or