To celebrate National Pet Month in April, we’d love to feature a picture of a reader’s pet on the front cover of our magazine.
So, we’re asking you to share your favourite photo of your animal friend(s) as we celebrate pet ownership and the companionship our pets can bring. All domesticated animals count – dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, reptiles… we can’t wait to see them all.
A photo can tell a thousand words and we’d love you to capture a picture which will really express your pet’s personality. Maybe that’s them relaxing or causing mischief, or showing their best side in a portrait.
Our competition has been kindly sponsored by Croft Vets in Bolsover. Founded in 1992, they offer routine and life-saving care for animals and work hard to ensure every individual animal is treated as an integral part of their family life. They also offer The Croft Club Pet Health Plan.
The winner will not only see their pet become our April front cover star. They will also win a hamper courtesy of Croft Vets, including an animal first aid kit, toy and gift voucher.
The runners up will also feature inside our April edition so that we can all admire the beautiful animal companions in our community.
Enter now!
To enter please send a high quality photo of your pet which really shows off their best features to no later than Thursday 14th March.