International acclaim for top local author

by | 17 March 2024 | Notice, Worksop

Richard C Bower, an author from Whitwell, has recently received international acclaim for his wealth of literary contributions.

Richard, who has written three spiritually inspiring books, POSTMODERN, Sanctuary, and Pleasures in the Pathless Woods, released his latest ground-breaking work – An Expedition Around My Garden – on a visit to Visva-Bharati University, in India, last year. To put this into context, the university was declared as an institution of national importance in 1951 and was founded by the first non-European Nobel Prize Laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

Mr Bower said: “The book is a breath of fresh air. For anyone feeling dejected or lost in life, it’s a call to arms.

“This book will bring a new-found positivity and goodness into the lives of all that read it.”

In a recent outstanding review of his latest book by Dheeman Bhattacharyya, the Professor of Comparative Literature at Visva-Bharati, similarities were made between the Mansfield-born writer and Rabindranath Tagore – the much-loved Indian poet, polymath, writer, philosopher, and social reformer.

In the introduction to his new book, Richard states: “An Expedition Around My Garden is the experience and expression of pure energy – an energy that loves life in every form that it appears, an energy that does not judge what it encounters, an energy that perceives meaningfulness and purpose in the smallest details of the nature that surrounds us.

“Every single moment is potent with possibility and when we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning. Life is rich and full. We have no thoughts of bitterness. We are joyously and intimately engaged with our world.”

In addition to this, Richard said he was ‘thrilled’ to discover that selections from his full body of work had been translated into the national language of Bengali, and featured in the Jugasankha newspaper, which is the largest circulated daily in the north of India!

All of Richard’s books are available online at Amazon, or from any good bookstore.