Explore glorious summer NGS gardens

by | 30 June 2023 | Community Event, Gardening Club, Worksop

Saturday 1st July, 12.00pm to 4.00pm

The Old Vicarage, Halam Hill, Halam NG22 8AX
A mature, two-acre hillside garden, which over 26 years has matured into a much-admired landscape garden. New planting design with wildlife pond. Church open just a short walk away. Some wheelchair access, dog friendly, parking, plants for sale, refreshments.

Sunday 2nd July, 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Combined opening:
Hopbine Farmhouse, Ossington NG23 6LJ
A cottage garden, half of which is walled, with roses, rambling clematis and a varied border with unusual planting. Wheelchair access, plants for sale, refreshments.

Ossington House, Moorhouse Road, Ossington NG23 6LD
This vicarage garden offers chestnuts, sweeping lawns, formal herbaceous beds, woodland walk, poolside planting and orchard with terraces, yews, grasses, ferns and perennials, roses and a new kitchen garden. Disabled parking available in drive to Ossington House. Wheelchair access, plants for sale, refreshments.

Saturday 8th July and Sunday 9th July, 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Caunton Manor, Manor Road, Caunton. NG23 6AD
Caunton Manor and gardens date back to early 18th century and was once the home of a famous rose grower, Reynolds Hole. In his time the gardens displayed over 5,000 roses. He went on to become the Bishop of Rochester in later life. The current owners have spent the last 20 years developing the 30 acre site into a beautifully landscaped garden containing exquisite feature gardens, many with water flowing through. Refreshments, well behaved dogs on leads welcome.

Saturday 8th July 10.00am to 3.00pm

Oasis Community Gardens, Longfellow Drive, Kilton Estate, Worksop S81 0DE
A highly successful community project transformed from a field into an award winning garden managed by volunteers with over 30 project areas, several garden enterprises and many community events. The garden hosts a ‘Flowers for Life’ project which is a therapeutic growing and selling cut flowers and floristry. Wheelchair access, plants for sale, picnic area, refreshments.

Thursday 20th July, 10.00am to 3.00pm

Rhubarb Farm, Hardwick Street, Langwith NG20 9DR
This two-acre horticultural social enterprise provides training and volunteering opportunities to 90 volunteers from the area. The farm consists of eight polytunnels, 100 hens, pigs, a donkey and a shetland pony. In addition there is a forest school barn, flower beds, vegetable raised beds, willow dome and arch, comfrey bed and comfrey fertiliser factory. Some wheelchair access, plants for sale, parking, refreshments.

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd July, 12.00pm to 4.00pm

8 Church Lane, Letwell, Worksop S81 8DE
Award winning, professional designed garden in one-third acre. The free flowing lawn is surrounded by colourful, naturalistic borders with shrubs, grasses and perennials, An informal path runs through a colourful gravel garden, planted with aromatics and grasses leading to the wildlife pond and sunken garden with oak pergola. Wheelchair access, plants for sale, refreshments.

Saturday 29th July, 10.00am to 4.00pm

Floral Media, Norwell Road, Caunton NG23 6AQ
A beautiful, well maintained country garden. Beds overflowing with a variety of roses, shrubs and flowers. An oriental garden, cutting gardens, vegetable beds. This flower farm provided flowers for the recent coronation and is a Flower Farm supplying British grown stems to florists / farm shops. Wheelchair access, dog friendly, plants for sale, parking, refreshments.

Sunday 30th July, 1.00pm to 4.00pm

5a High Street, Sutton on Trent NG23 6QA
Manicured lawns are the foil for this plantsman’s garden. Vistas lead past succulents to tropical areas and vibrant herbaceous beds. Ponds run through the plot, leading to woodland walks and a dedicated fernery with 180+ varieties and magnificent tree ferns. Wheelchair access, plants for sale, parking, refreshments.

Find out more at www.ngs.org.uk.