Caring for Dementia Carers (Bassetlaw) are a group in their 10th year, who meet at the Crossing, Newcastle Street, Worksop every Tuesday from 10.30am to 12.00pm in the Onyx Room.
The aim of the Group is to provide a supportive, confidential environment for carers to speak freely to others facing the same issues about their concerns.
Don’t feel alone. They understand the challenges, unexpectedness and unpredictability of supporting or caring for those with dementia in its many forms. Information, tips, hints, and sign posting are part of what they do. Speakers are invited to give up-to-date information on a variety of relevant subjects.
If your loved one, friend or family member has either a diagnosis of dementia or you are worried about their behaviour / memory loss this independent, friendly group of carers with years of experience are here to welcome anyone who wants to go along and join them.
Refreshments are available for £1.00. Contact Caring for Dementia Carers (Bassetlaw) on 07543 852485.