By the time you read this, the Wednesday Group will have been enjoying the festive season for some time. Towards the end of November members shall all go the tea dance at the town hall. This has become a much-loved annual event which, for the second year running, has been organised by the British Legion (Retford and District Branch) and its wonderful workers. The group’s members are really looking forward to it and to dancing to a real band again.
In early December, the group have a Christmas shopping and lunch trip to Tickhill Garden Centre planned. This proved to be very popular last year, so they thought they would do it again. Members are also working hard on their Christmas decorations to make sure their tree is ready in time for the Christmas Tree Festival at St Swithun’s. Do come and enjoy that if you can. The church looks particularly beautiful in the late afternoon as daylight fades and fairy lights cast their magic glow.
The group shall have their own Christmas party before they take a break till New Year. They shall be closed on 26th December and 2nd January and will reopen on 9th January. Members wish you all a very happy Christmas and if you are affected by memory loss and would like to join the group, please get in touch. For more information about the Wednesday Group, call Jan on 01777 709974.