Parkinson’s UK Bassetlaw Branch

by | 28 September 2018 | Support Group

The September meeting of the Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK was a very lively affair, with songs and laughter being the theme for the afternoon. Members welcomed the return of popular guest, Roger Glew, who regaled everyone with stories and songs from the life of George Formby.It is always a pleasure to see Roger at the meetings, knowing it will end with a good helping of feel good factor. No-one was disappointed.

September also saw 31 members enjoying afternoon tea on a Trent River cruise with friends from the Cardiac Support Group. Other equally exciting events are booked for the next three months.

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 2.00pm at Worksop Cricket Club, Central Avenue, S80 1EN and new members are assured of a warm and friendly welcome. The branch offers the hand of friendship and support to everyone with Parkinson’s, their family and friends. Members firmly believe that no-one should feel alone with the condition and have a varied programme of events to meet all needs, including; pilates, computer classes, pottery, a walking group and carers ‘get together’. There are three outings per year plus four lunches and two afternoon tea parties. For more information call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.

The next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd October, when Clair Monk from Welbeck Brewery will talk about the art of brewing and bring beer for tasting.