Parkinson’s UK

by | 28 June 2019 | Support Group

56 members attended the June meeting of the Bassetlaw branch of Parkinson’s UK and enjoyed a splendid presentation by Doctor Fiona McKeviit (Consultant Neurologist), about Parkinson’s disease and its treatments. The presentation was very well received and was an informative afternoon for members who express their thanks are extended to Dr McKevitt for her talk and for answering a multitude of questions afterwards.

The branch has grown again as more patients, carers and families learn of the friendship and support there is to be had. June also saw members having a day out together at Brigg Garden Centre and a Lunch Club meeting at The Lockkeeper.

The next meeting on 2nd July will welcome Mike Ogden who will talk about ‘The Slow Road’, the history of canal journeys. A reminder that final payment is requested from members wishing to travel on the very popular Trent River Cruise (with afternoon tea), bookings are on a first come, first served basis. For any further information about the branch and its many activities, please call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.