It was with an air of sadness that the meeting of Bassetlaw Branch Parkinson’s on 1st May, said farewell to our Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist Rachel Baxter. Rachel has worked closely with Parkinson’s patients in Bassetlaw for many years and has gained the love and respect of everyone. She will be greatly missed and the best wishes of all the branch members go with her.
Forty members attended the meeting and six new members were warmly welcomed. Jane Douthwaite (Team Leader for Neurological Services) gave a splendid account of the services for Parkinson’s patients in the area and how they can access treatment.
Members will meet for lunch at The Lock Keeper on 21st May and also enjoy a coach trip to York, on 13th June. Other weekly activities enjoyed are; pilates, swimming, computer classes, ceramics and a walking group. Outings and theatre trips also feature in the year’s programme.
The meeting on Tuesday 5th June will welcome Mike Ogden, who will talk about ‘The Royal Blood Line’. New members are always warmly welcome. The hardest part of joining the group is the fear of walking through the door for the first time but this is quickly dispelled by a friendly welcomed, into a happy and lively group where laughter, friendship and camaraderie is the order of the day. No-one is left on their own at a meeting. Meetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at Worksop Cricket Club. For more information call Chris Coldwell on 01909 730629.