Bassetlaw Cardiac Support Group

by | 29 April 2019 | Group meeting, Support Group

On Friday 4th August, Bassetlaw Cardiac Support Group members probably had the most quiet and relaxing of their meetings so far. Tony Leake, the speaker, came to address ‘Positive Changes’ to members’ sometimes stressful lives. We discussed the things that create stress and our own means or suggestions for relaxation. Reading, gardening, walking and knitting were just a few things people do to ‘switch off’. Strangely enough, watching TV, was not mentioned, although listening to music was a favourite. Tony taught us that certain breathing exercises we may apply to our own lives, just a few minutes a day, sitting, or standing. An hour passed amazingly quickly. Relaxation worked a treat — a couple of members almost succumbed to slumber. Thank you Tony, for an extremely helpful talk.

At the group’s next meeting on Friday 1st September, the speaker is Claire Monk from Welbeck Brewery. Please join us, even for just one meeting if you wish. The meeting will be held at Retford Hospital, Collington Suite, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. It may whet your appetite. For more information call Pat Broskom on 01909 562361.