East Markham WI

by | 17 August 2020 | Social Group, WI

Writing this at the beginning of July, East Markham WI are still no wiser as to when they will be able to meet again. As restrictions are slowly eased, there is still a limit on the number of people who can meet together whilst maintaining social distance. Hopefully by the time you read this, more changes to numbers able to meet will have been announced. The committee are missing seeing you at meetings.
The County Federation had advised that it up to each WI as to when they restart meetings, as each institute is different and will have different factors to be take into account, including Government guidelines, before making a decision. Please be assured that East Markham WI will consider all possible factors before making a decision to restart meetings.
As they were unable to hold their Annual Meeting, in April, County Federation asked the group to write to members enclosing the Annual Report and Financial Statement for information, comment or query and include details of any committee changes. They hope that this information kept you in touch with your WI and that you found it interesting.
They will continue to keep in touch with you and hope to be able to give you some more positive information about meetings, before too long. Until then please continue to take care of yourselves. Best wishes to all of you.