Why not join an Inner Wheel club near you?

by | 9 June 2019 | Community Focus, Inner Wheel, Sherwood

It is a service organisation that promotes true friendship, encourages the ideals of personal service and fosters international understanding, and members have a lot of fun doing it. With over 15,000 members in Great Britain and Ireland and more than 100,000 worldwide, they are working wonders across the globe at a community level.

Clubs in our district, District 22, cover Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Clubs meet regularly, usually over a meal, where they have a full and varied programme of events through which friendships are built and maintained. It is a great networking opportunity for all kinds of women to share ideas, support each other and be an active part of the world we live in.

Inner Wheel clubs have an outstanding record of service to the community, visiting schools, hosting events, fundraising, gaining awareness and support, and generally getting involved with local charities that need their help and support. Clubs work with many national charities, fundraising for the RBL, NSPCC, MS, Autism East Midlands, Parkinson’s UK and The Children’s Air Ambulance to name just a few.

Are you good with your hands, like to keep them busy? Inner Wheel international projects involve knit and natter groups where, if you can knit, you can help them make baby blankets, which are used to gather together donated items for newborn babies. These baby bundles, together with many more projects, help them to raise funds for those needy in other countries too. They are proud to have been working together with the Nottinghamshire Police Aid Convoy since it began 25 years ago. They also support Aquabox and Shelterbox to provide fresh water and shelter for those areas in the world that need it most.

They are proud to have made a positive impact on the lives of many millions of people throughout the world.
At a local level, there are Inner Wheel clubs in Warsop, Mansfield, Sutton in Ashfield, Kirkby in Ashfield, Retford, Sherwood Forest, West Ashfield, Ravenshead, Bolsover and Chesterfield who are all looking for new members to join them in this fantastic organisation.

Could you find time to have an evening with them? They are looking for women of all ages and backgrounds to join their women-only group. The first step is the hardest, finding time. But be assured, they are all busy women and, having met the rest of the Inner Wheel members, they know you will understand why they are such a wonderful organisation — having fun and making new friends, but helping others in our community.

Join them to find new friends, contribute to your local community, support national and international projects, use and share your skills or crafts to others. Be a part of something bigger than yourself with an extended family of likeminded women. Just go along and see for yourself and add a little more flavour to the spice of your life.
Get in touch with Gloria Humphrey on 07944 961571 to find your nearest club — meeting times and venues vary. If they can’t find one for you, why not start a club near you with some of your own friends? Come on ladies, you’ve got everything to gain.

You can email Gloria at iw22dmo@gmail.com or check out the district website www.innerwheeldistrict22.co.uk.