Sherwood’s Favourite Volunteer Award

by | 29 October 2018 | Community Focus, Sherwood

For National Volunteers Week, in our June edition, we asked for you to put forward your nominees for Sherwood’s Favourite Volunteer, supported by Ivy Green Floral Design. We heard some lovely stories about unsung heroes volunteering locally — it was difficult for us to pick one winner but there was one story that really stood out. Malcolm Bevan runs Dukeries Community Voices, the Community Voices as well as being an active Rotarian. As a thank you for his dedication, we teamed up with Ivy Green Floral Design to say a special thank you and deliver a ‘thank you’ bouquet.
Malcolm’s story, along with that of another deserving nominee who’s story we’d like to share, are below.

Malcolm Bevan
Malcolm is now retired from his long-term post as Head of Music at Dukeries Academy where he very enthusiastically encouraged and inspired so many young people, into playing music and singing. In addition to his formal teaching, he voluntarily ran the Dukeries Community Band amongst many out of hours activities. Although retired, his passion for music (and Welsh Rugby Union) continue through the band and the Community Singers; he has organised an annual charity Last Night of the Proms Concert for over 30 years in which the community band and singers take part and he is actively encouraging the fledgling school choir and band be part of. He and his wife Sue are also active Rotary members.

Winnie Lee
Winnie has volunteered for The Furniture Project Nottinghamshire for over eight years and at 74 years young is one of our longest serving volunteers. She is a ray of sunshine and proves that you can volunteer and make a positive impact in your local community no matter what age you are. Winnie helps in our Ollerton shop giving her time freely and always with a smile on her face. She helps with sales, stock taking, helping customers and more importantly promoting our project. Without volunteers like Winnie we would not be able to do what we do; they are invaluable. So thank you Winnie you truly are one in a million!