Nominations wanted for Sherwood Forest Rotary Robin Hood Award

by | 28 March 2021 | Rotary, Sherwood

Over this last year community volunteers have played a massive part in our neighbourhoods, assisting people in need. The Sherwood Forest Rotary Robin Hood Award is given to someone from the Ollerton, Edwinstowe, Boughton and the surrounding villages who has served their community tirelessly, often in a volunteer capacity.
Previous recipients have come from all walks of life, for instance a Guide leader, someone helping older people or people with learning difficulties to live a fulfilling life, a community music stalwart, youth leaders and the like and this year the club will also consider a community group or local charity who have gone ‘over and above’ for their local residents.
The Robin Hood Award is given by Sherwood Forest Rotary annually; it is a bespoke wooden carving of Robin Hood in a showcase and is unique. The recipient keeps this wonderful carving until the presentation for 2021-22.
Sherwood Forest Rotary would like nominations for anyone you know who you think would deserve to receive the award for 2020-2021, who has excelled in assisting our community in the last year.
Nominations can be e mailed to or by post to the Secretary – Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest, c / o 4 Brook Lane, Collingham, Notts NG23 7QY. Nominations should be in by 30th April 2021.
Please give a brief resume of why this person is being nominated.
The presentation will be at a suitable occasion in 2021 – the exact date is to be confirmed due to the current circumstances.