Museums of Tuxford

by | 30 March 2024 | Community facility, Heritage, Sherwood

Did you know that Wednesday 3rd April is National Walking Day, and May National Walking Month?

Lots of us are fortunate to be able to walk for pleasure. In the past, walking was essential to earn a living and survive. One of the things we take for granted today is access to footwear, and of course lack of such a necessity remains the case in many countries today.

The Walks of Life Museum has an interesting cobblers’ cart and associated objects. The Museum will be out with the cart on 3rd April, taking photos of things of interest, and getting their steps in!

Not all boots are made for walking. The Museum of the Horse has a great selection of boots and most have other purposes. The most beautiful pair are the Oxfordshire Hussars’ boots. The Hussars were splendidly dressed, influencing the Regency dandies.

This pair of boots has a mauve heel and medallion, surrounded by gold braid at the shaped top of the boot. They also have preset regular creases around the ankle to disguise the natural creasing that always forms when riding.

Go and see the variety of boots in the Museum’s collection, Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.00pm or Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm. Groups can be by appointment at other times. For more information contact Sally on 01777 838234 or Diane on 01777 872776, or email

The Walks of Life Museum is open on Thursday and Saturday from the end of March, 11.00am to 4.00pm, with other days by arrangement for groups of special activities. Restoration of the old farmhouse continues on-site, with conservation days and a chance to learn traditional building skills. Dates will be after Easter and will be published on the Museum Facebook page.