Edwinstowe in Bloom

by | 15 February 2025 | Community Event, Environment, Sherwood

The winter months are a busy period for Edwinstowe in Bloom (EiB) volunteers, who focus on tidying the allotment, flower beds, and planters, removing rubbish, and preparing for spring. Last year, thousands of bulbs were planted, and some daffodils were blooming early on Swinecote Road and in the churchyard. A donation of evening primroses has been planted in the Mansfield Road beds and the wild area near the bug house at the church. Let’s hope they have survived in recent bad weather.

The holiday period saw several activities. On Monday 16th December, some volunteers met in the Village Kitchen for tea and Christmas cake. Those present had a wonderful time.

Thursday 19th December saw a few volunteers go carol singing, starting at 5.30pm on Henton Road and covering several streets. The goal was not to collect money but to spread Christmas cheer. Then on Thursday 18th January the postponed awards night took place at the Cricket Club, Forest Corner. Details and photos from the event will appear in the next article.

Upcoming events

Love Edwinstowe and Sherwood Forest Heart Trail: EiB will host this annual event during the February half term. Further details will be shared around the village and on Facebook.

Hearts and Crafts Sessions: Two sessions hosted in partnership with ATTFE College – a Craft and Create session at Abbey Road Community Centre on Tuesday 18th February, 1.00pm to 3.00pm; and on Wednesday 19th February at 9.30am to 12.30pm, a session including a walking trail.

Places are limited and must be booked in advance by emailing carolhallam@attrust.org.uk.

Photography competition

The winning entries for the November and December competitions were Vicky Latham’s photos, Snow Scene and Night Sky, respectively. The February 2025 competition is now open, seeking photos of anything of interest in the Edwinstowe area. Submissions can feature flowers, landscapes, events, animals, or anything that captures the essence of Edwinstowe. Amateur photographers aged 16 and over are encouraged to participate. Photos should be submitted in JPG format with a title and location to eib@btinternet.com.

For more information about Edwinstowe in Bloom, search Edwinstowe in Bloom on Facebook.