Edwinstowe Cricket Club

by | 31 March 2024 | Children's Group, Community facility, Hobbies, Sherwood, Sports Club

2019 was a disappointing year in the 200-year history of Edwinstowe Cricket Club. It was the final year of membership of the Bassetlaw and District Cricket League (BDCL), having provided Saturday senior league cricket at Forest Corner for 57 years.

At this same time, many of the Club officials stood down and were replaced by a new management committee. From the very outset one of the main goals was to re-establish the Club in the BDCL with a target of five years. In was evident that the Club had to regrow, and that could only be done through junior and youth cricket.

Soft ball cricket was soon set up under the ECB All Stars and Dynamos initiatives with enthusiastic children soon taking up the opportunity. Within a short time, numbers expanded, more coaches, more equipment, more facilities were needed. Children grew older so expansion into hardball cricket, joining the Bassetlaw and District Junior Cricket League, purchasing net facilities, synthetic wickets etc.

All the time the Club had to keep up with the needs and the economic costs of this rapid success. Thanks go to the parents, local businesses, and the fantastic local community in supporting all the fundraising efforts and events which make everything possible.

At the outset, a goal was Saturday senior league cricket, and the Club is proud to announce that this has been achieved, a year ahead of target. The Club has rejoined the BDCL. The use of the word ‘senior’ is slightly misleading as it is planned that many players will be juniors who have progressed from the early years of softball to junior hardball and now to senior cricket.

There are no thoughts of sitting back and saying the goal is achieved. That initial goal may have been but there are more being set.

This coming season will see the formation of a women’s and girls’ section, initially playing softball, with their own experienced, designated coach. The Club already have many girl members and are very proud of both Maya Baldwin and Maddie Matthews who are part of the Nottinghamshire development squad. Anyone is welcome on a Wednesday evening at Forest Corner to be part of this new initiative. No experience is necessary.

The junior section goes from strength to strength due to the valued commitment of ECB qualified coaches, parent volunteers and the enthusiasm of the children. Over 100 from five to 13 years take part weekly. The ECB All Stars program, for under-eights starts outdoor on Sunday 12th May at 10.30am, with older softball on Friday evenings starting on 19th April at 5.30pm.

Junior hardball teams will again be competing in the Bassetlaw Junior Cricket League at under -11 and -13 age groups, with coaching on a Friday evening at 5.30pm.

If you have children who would like to be part of this thriving club, go along to the registration / social evening on Friday 12th April at 5.30pm and you will be given a warm welcome.

Club social events are planned throughout the season. Keep a look out for notices on social media, Facebook, Instagram etc. or contact Jon Garnham on 07967 487295 or edwinstowecc@gmail.com.