Dukeries u3a: Learn, Laugh, Live

by | 12 October 2023 | Education and Learning, Hobbies, Sherwood, Social Group, U3A

Following their hugely successful Trent River cruise and their coach trip to Shropshire earlier in the summer, August saw the Dukeries u3a annual indoor garden party at Jubilee Hall, attended by over 60 members.

This also doubled as an opportunity to support Dukeries u3a’s charity of the year: the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance. By the end of this event the amount raised for the Air Ambulance exceeded £4,500.

The Ramblers and Walkers have been out and about again over the summer.

The Ramblers stayed local this time with a pleasant hike around Vicar Water Country Park, adjacent New Clipstone village and beyond that, venturing into Sherwood Pines activity woods and back again.

The Whatsapp Walkers ventured out twice recently, culminating in a walk through Poulter Country Park in Nether Langwith which included a stroll through the sculpture trail and the wildflower meadows.

In Edwinstowe, the recently set up Sunday Social Club meets at 4.00pm on second and fourth Sundays each month at Lynds Close Community Centre (for arts, crafts and games) and the Scrabble Club meets on the first Friday of each month at 1.30pm at South Forest Leisure Centre. Non-members can go along to get a flavour of the sorts of things the groups enjoy. Cost of a drink and biscuits is just £1.00.

Dukeries u3a History group ventured out to Thoresby Park on 6th September for a guided tour of the military museum, which houses exhibits from Nottinghamshire’s regiments over the years including The Royal Lancers and Notts Yeomanry. A recent addition has been the ‘Conqueror’ heavy tank, which weighs in 64 tons.

Amongst the plethora of other activity groups at Dukeries u3a are Bowls, Book Club, Bridge, Creative Writing, History, Mahjong, Photography, Rummy Kub, Ramblers and Walkers, Sewing and Crafts, Short Soft Tennis, Ukelele and Tuesday and Sunday Lunch Groups.

In the calendar for the remainder of 2023 are events such as Barn Dances, Halloween Party at Clipstone Social Club, Night at the Proms Dining event at the Hostess Restaurant at Sookholme and a Quiz Night and Christmas celebration, both at Jubilee Hall, Ollerton.

The Third Age Trust (u3a) is a self-help charity designed for those who are no longer in full-time employment. The Trust promotes activity, learning and fun in equal measure and seeks to cater for all.

Prospective new members can pop along to Dukeries u3a regular meetings on the third Monday of each month at 1.30pm at Jubilee Hall, Wellow Road, Ollerton. More information is available from 07756 436177 or www.u3asites.org.uk/dukeries or by emailing du3achair2020@gmail.com.