Citizens Advice gives advice on energy bills

by | 21 February 2025 | Citizens Advice, Sherwood

If you’re trying to save money on your gas or electricity, you might consider:

  • switching suppliers
  • switching to a different tariff with your current supplier

An energy tariff is a pricing plan for gas or electricity from your energy supplier, including the rate you’ll pay for the gas or electricity you use and a daily fee called a ‘standing charge’.

Check with your current supplier whether you’re on a standard variable tariff or a fixed tariff as this may alter your ability to switch and your decision about getting the best deal based on your situation. There may also be situations where you may not be able to switch, for example if you owe your energy supplier money, if you pay your landlord for your energy or if you’re on a heat network.

When your fixed tariff ends you’ll usually be automatically put on your supplier’s standard variable tariff.

Get help if you’re behind with your energy bills

If you’re struggling to afford your gas and electricity bills, contact your supplier to discuss ways to pay what you owe them. Your supplier has to help you come to a solution. You should try to negotiate a deal that works for both of you.

If you would like help to negotiate a payment plan with your supplier, Citizens Advice can assist you in doing so. If you are worried about energy debt or any other type of debt, they’re here to help and offer free, impartial, FCA regulated advice.

Citizens Advice Central Notts can help with this and other issues. Contact them:

  • Ollerton office: 5 Forest Court, NG22 9PL – Monday and Wednesday. 9.30am to 2.30pm.
  • 01623 861769 – you may be offered a call back.
  • They also have outreaches throughout the local area which may be closer to home – for dates and times check online or call them