Rock Choir, the UK’s largest contemporary choir, is giving the people of Rotherham a chance to boost their natural high and beat the winter blues by taking part in a free Rock Choir session!
With no audition and no need to read music, Rock Choir has already attracted nearly 30,000 members nationwide and is recognised as an award-winning national brand. It is considered to be responsible for creating a cultural musical movement offering a unique and glamorous alternative to the traditional choir format. Rock Choir’s uplifting ethos of fun, friendship and community spirit is a huge part of its attraction and its inclusive and accessible teaching approach allows anyone who simply loves pop-music to take part.
Offering this opportunity to everyone in Rotherham will offer individuals a chance to experience the significant natural high that is created from singing in a group. A recent experiment conducted by BBC’s ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’ proved that Rock Choir members experienced a dramatic rise of 40% in Endocannabinoids, the ‘happy’ chemicals released in our brain, after taking part in a Rock Choir session. This significant result was compared to just 20% up-lift after they had taken part in dancing and cycling and should have a profound effect on the way our well-being and mental health is supported from now on.
Local Rock Choir Leader, Kate Threlfall said: “I see and hear from Rock Choir members every day who claim that Rock Choir is improving their lives or helping them in various ways to recover from personal issues and trauma. Rock Choir offers an exciting and life-affirming platform using music at its core and as a whole experience offers joy and friendship. I am really proud to be delivering this unique experience that has such a positive and dramatic effect to so many local people and I want to help transform the well-being of even more people by inviting everyone to step into Rock Choir and enjoy what is on offer; for everyone to feel good, well and happy. No one can escape the challenges that life throws at us but being on a positive, supportive, calm and happy platform will make those moments less painful. Targeting our mental health issues and finding healthy solutions is key and we can offer one solution and that is Rock Choir.”
Rotherham Rock Choir members recently performed at Meadowhall Shopping Centre and helped raise awareness and much-needed funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Rock Choir members are offered a wide-variety of social and performance events and can get involved in as much as they like from the busy Rock Choir calendar! Many Rotherham ‘Rockies’ travelled to London’s Hyde Park in September to take part in a special BBC/Rock Choir Flash Mob at the iconic Prom’s in the Park. Drawing an audience of 40,000 it was the largest Flash Mob ever witnessed in the UK with over 12,500 Rock Choir members from across the UK taking part.
Rock Choir always welcomes new members. There is no audition and no requirement to read music. To book the free Get Happy Rock Choir taster session please visit and type in your postcode to find your nearest location. Alternatively call 01252 714276.