Tickhill Music Society

by | 30 January 2023 | Music, Rotherham

Join Tickhill Music Society for their first concert of 2023 on Friday 17th February at 7.00pm at St Mary’s Primary School, St Mary’s Road, Tickhill. The concert will be a programme of English song performed by Millette Gillow (mezzo-soprano) and Max Bilbe (piano).

Non-members are welcome for a charge of £12.00 at the door. Accompanied children and students (aged 16 to 19) are admitted free of charge.

Rosie Hood Band

The hardy members of Tickhill Music Society who ignored the freezing temperature and icy roads were rewarded at their recent concert with an entertaining and illuminating evening by the Rosie Hood Band. For an audience accustomed to the string quartet and classical masters, this was a new experience.

They expected carols from Sheffield but were also treated to folk songs from Wiltshire. They expected songs of protest but were also introduced to the “broken token” – which is shorthand for songs of love, betrayal, disappointment and (sometimes) death.

If this sounds rather sober, Rosie Hood and her band (guitar, melodeon, two fiddles and percussion) kept the audience entertained with songs about baking bread, access to the countryside, undaunted females, reindeer, and (of course) holly and ivy. All agreed it was an evening of great warmth and novelty.

Review by Adrian Hattrell