The Arts Society Dukeries

by | 30 June 2021 | Art, Hobbies, Rotherham

The Arts Society Dukeries’ July lecture on Wednesday 7th July is about ‘The Elgin Marbles’ and their speaker is Stephen Kershaw.
It is now around 200 years since the purchase of the so-called ‘Elgin Marbles’ from Lord Elgin by the British Parliament. This lecture, beautifully illustrated with specifically taken slides and video, will explore the aesthetics, the back-story and the heated debates surrounding these fascinating and controversial works of ancient Greek art; What do we mean by the Elgin Marbles? How and why were they originally created? Why are they so highly regarded? What happened to them between their creation and Elgin’s time? How did he acquire them? Why are they now in the British Museum, and why are there such passionately held views both for and against their repatriation to Greece?
Please note, the group then have a summer break, with no lectures in August or September. So, their next lecture, on 6th October, is ‘Yorkshire Seaside Heritage’ by Mike Higginbottom. This lecture could be back at the Carlton Civic Centre, depending on the pandemic restrictions and the choice of members at the time. Please see the October Life magazine or website nearer the date.
Interested in the arts? The Arts Society Dukeries normally hold monthly lecture meetings at the Carlton Civic Centre. Because of the pandemic, they are offering a varied programme of hourly Zoom lectures for members, friends and non-members, who can contact them and watch for a charge of £5.00.
For further details on the lectures or the society, please call their chairman, Suzanne, on 01909 290488, or visit