St Bartholomew’s Church Maltby

by | 29 April 2023 | Community Event, Community facility, default, Music, Rotherham

Spring is coming to an end and at Maltby St Barts they are now planning for summer.

Saturday coffee mornings continue; the next one is on 27th May at 10.00am, when plants will be on sale with coffee and cakes. The following coffee mornings are on 24th June and 29th July.

An exciting evening is planned on 17th June at 7.30pm when the Friends in Harmony choir will perform. Their concerts are always beautiful. Go along and take your friends – tickets £6.00.

On 16th July at 2.00pm the Maltby Miners Welfare Band visit to perform their summer concert followed by cream teas. Weather permitting, this will be outdoors in the summer sun or indoors in the typical English rain!

The church will be celebrating the Coronation with a special service on Sunday 7th May at 10.30am. All are welcome to come.