Social Prescribing Service

by | 28 November 2020 | Health, Rotherham

If you want to focus on improving your health and wellbeing, your GP surgery’s social prescribing link worker could help you. One of our local Link Workers is Alice Butler (covering The Stag Medical Centre and Rose Court Surgery), though this is a service offered Rotherham-wide.

What is Social Prescribing?
Many things affect your health and wellbeing. From feeling isolated or lonely, to being stressed out by work, money and housing problems or sometimes the stress of managing different long-term conditions.
Social prescribing can help you to have more control over your own health and find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you. It can help you with things that can’t be fixed by doctors and medicine alone.
To help you connect to the right support for you can be referred to your local link worker.
What is a Link Worker?
A Social Prescribing Link Worker is there to listen to you, and put you in touch with the people and activities that might help you to feel better.
Your link worker can help you to connect to:

  • Local social groups and activities
  • Benefits, debt and welfare rights advice
  • Mental wellbeing support and resources
  • Support to help you become healthier and more active
  • Employment and volunteering
  • Befriending, counselling and other support groups
  • Access housing support
  • Education and training
  • Practical support including food and medication

How can I be referred?
Your GP practice can refer you to their practice Link Worker. To refer yourself please contact your Link Worker directly. If you are a patient at The Stag Medical Centre or Rose Court Surgery you can call Alice on 07399 528826 or find the Link Worker for your GP practice at