A new venue is now hosting Rotherham Friendship Lunches. The Tabard, on Herringthorpe Valley Road, are taking over events scheduled at Sir Jacks in Bramley as they have now finished hosting these events.
Upcoming dates for Rotherham Friendship Lunches and Young at Heart groups are
The Brentwood
Order from the Golden Years menu, or from the main menu. Book direct with The Brentwood (114 Moorgate Road, Moorgate S60 2TY) on 01709 382772.
- Tuesday 5th November: entertainment from Alan Turner
- Tuesday 19th November: entertainment from Donna
- Tuesday 3rd December: entertainment from Sally
The Tabard
Order from the main menu. 12.00pm to 3.00pm. Book direct with The Tabard (Herringthorpe Valley Road, S65 3BA) on 01709 835400.
- Tuesday 12th November: entertainment from Carl Peters
- Tuesday 10th December: entertainment from Paul Anthony
These events are sponsored by Home Instead Senior Care Rotherham. If the venues cannot help with your queries, see www.homeinstead.co.uk/rotherham or call 01709 837170.