On Wednesday 1st June, Rotherwood Lodge No. 4392 celebrated its centenary at the Rotherham Masonic Rooms in splendid style.
Attended by almost 70 Masons including the Provincial Grand Master, the Area 4 Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Acting Provincial Grand Officers, Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, members of Rotherwood and their guests, it was a most enjoyable and memorable occasion for all.
The Worshipful Master, W Bro. John Simpson, welcomed all and then a most concise and interesting account of the origins of Rotherwood Lodge was given by W Bro. Geoff Harrison, the longest serving member, who had travelled to Yorkshire from his home near Falmouth in Cornwall especially for the centenary.
The Provincial Grand Master presented the Centenary Warrant to the Lodge and then presented first the Worshipful Master with his Centenary Jewel and then all the Rotherwood Brethren took their turn to be called out and presented with these lovely jewels. The Worshipful Master, W Bro. John Simpson, then presented the Provincial Grand Master with a Centenary Jewel to commemorate his attendance at this most auspicious occasion.
The remaining business concluded, the Brethren adjourned downstairs to partake of a delicious four-course Festive Board.
The toasts and speeches were given in admirable fashion; not too lengthy, as by now it was getting rather late and many of the visiting dignitaries had long journeys ahead of them.
A most spectacular and memorable occasion came to a close and it will remain long in the memories of those fortunate enough to have been present to celebrate the 100th birthday of Rotherwood Lodge No. 4392.