Crafty doings

by | 4 January 2025 | Education and Learning, Hobbies, Rotherham, Social Group, U3A

Sue learned how to crochet 40 years ago. She had taken it up again at home, when she visited the Rotherham u3a (Ru3a) stand at Rotherham Show two years ago, and chatted to Angela, who was hoping to start Yarn Addicts, a group for people who love any craft related to yarn.

Fellow ‘Addicts’ gather between 11.00am and 1.00pm each Wednesday at The Centre, Brinsworth, a warm, light and welcoming venue on Brinsworth Lane, to practise any number of yarn crafts such as knitting, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, macrame and wool felting to name a few.

At first, Sue went alone, but recalls feeling “at home” immediately. So much so that shortly afterwards, she invited a friend who had been ill, to join the group. Now, both enjoy meeting each other and their crafty friends every week to chat about “woolly stuff” and “this and that”, to learn new skills from each other and pass on their own skills in an informal, relaxed way. As with other u3a groups, the pleasure of learning together in a friendly atmosphere, widens social contacts and frequently results in lasting friendships.

As Sue said: “Ru3a Yarn Addicts has been a lifeline for me… it gives me something to look forward to every week. I’ve found people in the craft world are friendly, patient and generous. Our u3a Yarn Addicts group is full of those lovely, friendly, humorous and welcoming people. Joining the group has also opened up the world of Ru3a and enjoying its other activities. But my main love is my weekly visit to Yarn Addicts.”

Would-be or established yarncraft addicts need look no further than or telephone Angela on 07711 290829.