Bramley Parish Council Community Awards

by | 9 December 2022 | Community Event, Notice, Rotherham

Bramley Parish Council recently held an awards evening to recognise members of the community who have gone the extra mile in the village.

They were pleased to welcome the Mayor of Rotherham Councillor Tajaal Khan and Ward Councillors Lewis Mills and Greg Reynolds.

Awards were presented by the Mayor and Councillor Malcolm Brown, Chairman of Bramley Parish Council.

Awards were presented to Sandra Haith, Jessica Thompson, Teresa Sayner, Cooper Dodson, Shaz Biggin, Jim Moore, Les Rogers and Valerie Dyson.

Carols for Christmas

Bramley Parish Council invites you to an evening of festive music at Bill Chafer Community Centre on Flash Lane, Bramley on Sunday 11th December at 6.00pm.

Bramley Brass Band will be providing the music under the direction of Pat Bingham, and choirs from Bramley Sunnyside Junior School and Ravenfield Junior School will bring a festive evening of entertainment.

Tickets cost £3.00 and are available from the parish office at Bill Chafer from 1st December.