How would you like to own a racehorse? Well, you can (for one evening at least) for a princely sum of just £2.00!
On Saturday 14th March, in order to raise funds towards ongoing improvements to North and South Wheatley Village Hall, they are holding a super Race Night. For just £5.00 per ticket why not go along and back a few winners (all bets are £1.00) or win a prize as a successful owner! The ticket price includes a hot supper and the bar will be open from 7.00pm. Owning a horse is optional but fun.
Supporting this event will help with their ongoing hall improvement costs. Replacing the existing boiler and 80 chairs in the hall will cost approximately £9,000 so your support for this and all their forthcoming events is appreciated.
Prior booking is essential, and tickets can be purchased either from the Manor Stores, South Wheatley or by contacting Rose on 07817 730421 or Alan at