Wheatley Local and Family History Society

by | 18 April 2021 | Gainsborough, Heritage, Hobbies, Retford

With the continuing lockdown and the lack of knowledge on when the restrictions will end, forward planning is almost impossible – despite the ‘roadmap’ outlined by the PM in February. Neither the Wheatley Local and Family History Society, nor its Research Group, could meet in March. As soon as restrictions are lifted and the Village Hall can reopen then the society will post an update on their Facebook page, ‘Wheatley FHG’.
They now have a new website – www.wheatleyhistory.co.uk. Please visit this site for information about the group’s activities and news as to when they will start to hold their meetings again. This site also has a ‘contact us’ facility should you want more information or have any questions.
The offer of assistance to members on research into their family roots is always just an email or phone call away. A provisional date with speaker has been pencilled in for Monday 17th May at 10.00am, and Wednesday 12th May at 2.00pm for the Research Group. Up-to-date information can be found on Facebook under ‘Wheatley FHG’ or by calling Dave on 01427 880934.