PLEASE NOTE – Ordsall Church Summer Fair Garden Party will now take place on Saturday 31st July in the afternoon
In Ordsall, they will be welcoming back Jonny and Lynnette (a traditional country music duo) in Ordsall Parish Hall, Church Lane, DN22 7TU on Saturday 26th June at 7.30pm for their fourth time with them. Apply for tickets (£12.00) and information to Peter and Shirley on 01777 706433 or 07951 253343. Seating is likely to be limited so early booking is advisable. Drinks will be available and it is planned that there will be light refreshments in the interval. At the time of writing there is some uncertainty about how much of what is planned will be possible, but they will be going ahead with what is allowed.
Ordsall Church Summer Fair Garden Party will be on Saturday 10th July in the afternoon. Ordsall residents will know this event has been run over many years and should have taken place in 2020 but was cancelled due to COVID restrictions. An exciting part of the fair this year will be an outdoor event by Beautiful Creatures Theatre Company called ‘Rat Choc Chip. This will be a very funny walkabout performance. Be charmed by the lovable and haphazard ice cream vendor, help with her desperate attempts to keep her furry friends out of sight of the health inspector, and see if you can tell the difference between chocolate sprinkles and well, let’s just say, little rodent ‘gifts’!
The Fair will be a really welcome event to cheer the organisers and the Ordsall community. It is likely the event will be held in the grounds of All Hallows Church and at the top of Church Lane.
Live & Local events should be back in Ordsall for the Autumn 2021 and information will soon be available.