Walk & Talk

by | 28 November 2020 | Heritage, Retford

Local historian and author Adrian Gray will be restarting his Pilgrims and Prophets ‘Walk and Talk’ events after lockdown on three successive Saturdays – starting on 5th December with East Markham; East Markham again the following week, then a repeat of our popular Dunham one.

Enjoy a walk around historic East Markham, visiting its impressive church, and explaining the story of the Markham family, its two main historic houses, the famous ‘Mrs Markham’ and a tale of a drunken king or two. The walk starts at East Markham church and the distance is about two-and-a-half miles.

The Dunham-on-Trent walk explains the unique history of the village, church and river crossing including the beautiful surroundings of Dunham Lakes. Adrian will share many amazing stories to help you appreciate church and landscape. Again, the walk is about two-and-a-half miles.

The cost is £7.50 per head for East Markham and £7.00 per head for Dunham, which supports our local community heritage work.

For further information, please contact Maggy at maggy@pilgrimsandprophets.co.uk or 07724 848958.