The Well, Retford

by | 4 October 2019 | Notice, Retford

At The Well, they are looking at their autumn activities and of course one of their highlights is acting as a ‘collection point’ for Operation Christmas Child. Over the past 20 years, many schools, organisations and individuals in Retford and the surrounding villages have taken part in this campaign and allowed them to help with the setting up and collecting of the shoe boxes. Last year The Well were able to send 1,205 boxes to children in Macedonia. They hope you would like to be part of this international scheme of using the power of a simple gift to meet the critical needs of victims of war, poverty, famine, disease and natural disaster. Boxes go to children of all backgrounds, religions, ethnicity and culture again this year.

They have a supply of free leaflets and posters, as well as flat pack boxes costing 50p available in the office at The Well, Hospital Road, Retford DN22 7BD. Please read the leaflet carefully and please note the big change this year is that you cannot pack toothpaste or any type of sweets. It’s also really important that everyone packing a box keeps to what is allowed so that your box goes as a gift from your hands to that of the child who receives it. Why not pop a personal card or note from yourself into the box to the child? It makes a massive difference to each child receiving a box.

Please note the items allowed are to make sure we comply with customs requirements of the countries we are sending to, to make sure we respect the cultural and religious contexts of the communities we are sending to and to ensure that the items packed are in a clean and safe condition for the child who will receive them.

As a collection point for Operation Christmas Child, they shall be delighted to accept your boxes any time between Monday 11th November to Monday 18th November at The Well. If you have any queries or would like more information please email or call 01777 702344.