It doesn’t seem a year since preparations were being made for the 2018 Poppy Appeal, but that time of year is upon us again. Committee members and volunteers were stunned to hear that the district total for last year has exceeded £77,000. This is truly an amazing total and is a result of the generosity of everyone who donated. The money raised during the Poppy Appeal is fed into the national total and is used to help and support ex- servicemen and their families.
Anyone locally who has served for at least seven days in the Armed Forces may be eligible for help. For more information about the help available, The Royal British Legion website has lots of information including the national helpline number. Stalls for this year’s appeal will be at Blyth Services from Friday 25th October, Morrisons from Monday 28th October and Aldi and Asda later that week. Aldi in Harworth is another venue where you will be able to show your support. You will also be able to donate at the many local shops that support the Appeal.
Remembrance Sunday this year falls on Sunday 10th November. There will be an Act of Remembrance in the Market Square in Retford on that day. The exact timing will appear in next month’s issue. Anyone who would like to lay a wreath at this event should contact Ann Hickman on 01777 818993 to order a wreath. There will also be the opportunity to place Poppy Crosses around the memorial. The attendance at last year’s event was unprecedented and it will be lovely to see as many people again this year. A short act of remembrance will also be held on Monday 11th November, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice in 1918.
The Branch hold meetings on the first Monday of the month (except January and August) at Babworth Road Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome.