The Places In Between: LCN > SHF

by | 28 April 2021 | Heritage, Retford, Worksop

Are you passionate about your hometown – your community, its history, heritage and culture? What is the story of Worksop? The story of Retford? Organisers of a new heritage project want to hear the stories and personal histories we can’t read in books, from the people who actually live there.
The Places In Between: LCN > SHF is a series of audio plays in development, about the towns and villages on the Lincoln to Sheffield train line. The plays are funded by Arts Council England and supported by Sheffeld Theatres, Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, English Heritage, Northern Trains and Inspire.
Project director and Worksop resident, Callum Berridge, and writers, Ben Norris and Sarah Kolawole, want to speak to locals about life in Worksop and Retford, how it’s changed, and their hopes and concerns for the future.
In partnership with Inspire, the team are hosting a series of online discussion forums as part of Worksop and Retford Libraries spring / summer programme of activity.
The Worksop forums will take place on Saturday 1st May, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, and Wednesday 5th May, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
The Retford forums will take place on Saturday 8th May, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, and Wednesday 12th May, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
The open discussion forums are free to attend and participants can drop in and out. Advanced booking is required to receive the Zoom link to join. You can book by going to Inspire’s website at or you can register your interest by emailing Callum Berridge at
Find out more on Facebook: The Places In Between: LCN – SHF, Instagram: theplaces_in_between and Twitter: @tpib_LCN_SHF.