The Harley Gallery to build on previous LEGO® success

by | 20 December 2019 | Art, Retford, Sherwood, Worksop

An exhibition of artwork created from thousands of LEGO® bricks is set to draw in huge numbers of visitors when it opens at Nottinghamshire’s The Harley Gallery in January. Brick by Brick follows on from two exhibitions of work at the Worksop gallery made completely from Lego bricks. The first exhibition, Brick City, broke all records — attracting more than 80,000 visitors to the gallery on the rural Welbeck estate in just three months.

This time the gallery will be showing an exhibition by 18 artists from across the world, who have each used the medium of the famed Lego block in different ways from photography to sculptures. Visitors will be able to see the thought-provoking artwork, which is set to appeal to art enthusiasts as well as Lego fans alike.

There will also be a series of activities planned to coincide with the exhibition including the opportunity to get hands-on in the creative area of the gallery. School workshops inspired by the exhibition have also been organised, along with a programme of school holiday activities in February and April.

Lisa Gee, Director of The Harley Gallery, said: “It’s good to have artwork created in the medium of Lego back at the gallery again as it’s something that connects with people of all ages.

“Our first two exhibitions showed what could be done with passion, patience, technical ability and a very big pile of Lego. This time we are showing an exhibition created by artists from across the world, who have created work from Lego because as a material they feel it adds an additional layer of meaning to their work. It isn’t just a building block. The playful, primary colours of the bricks and its association with childhood memories all add to the artworks that you see here.”

The exhibition aims to celebrate and demonstrate the imaginative capacity of people and how human beings use their imagination to make things that everyone can enjoy and share. The art that has been created has used what is basically a children’s toy. It is both a tribute to the product and to the people that worked with it.

Brick by Brick is a touring exhibition from 20-21 Visual Art Centre, Scunthorpe, and is supported by North Lincolnshire Council, ACE, and the National Lottery.

Brick by Brick runs from 18th January until 19th April 2020. The Harley Gallery is open daily between 10.00am and 5.00pm. Entry is free and there’s free parking. For more details see

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