The Arts Society Dukeries

by | 31 May 2022 | Art, Hobbies, Retford

Are you interested in ‘the arts’ in all forms? Go along to one of the monthly Arts Society talks at the Civic Centre, Carlton in Lindrick, and enjoy the varied programme planned for 2022.

The Society also enjoys two extra special interest days, trips out to places of interest, newsletters, a national magazine and a holiday for members. On Wednesday 8th June they have a coach visit to Wentworth Woodhouse. You can find full details on their website.

The June lecture on Wednesday 1st will be ‘Raphael: A God Amongst Painters’ by Chantal Brotherton-Ratcliffe.
Raphael is one of the most famous names in art history, and until the late 19th century to emulate him was the goal for most artists succeeding him. Yet today he is not as well-known as this might suggest. Is this because his biography is less dramatic than that of Caravaggio? Or his career less tormented than that of Michelangelo? Or is it because his qualities are difficult to define – the elusive qualities of grace, harmony and idealised beauty?

This lecture takes a fresh look at Raphael, exploring what he achieved, and looking, as if for the first time, at the beauty and grace of his work. It will examine his astonishing ability to grow and transform himself over the years of his career, and explore a man whose tragically early death leaves us wondering – had he lived, what would have come next?

The following lecture, on 6th July, is ‘Fashion, Fury and Feminism: Mrs Pankhurst’s Purple Feather’ by Tessa Boase.
The Society meets at the Civic Centre, Long Lane, Carlton-in-Lindrick S81 9AP. Tea and coffee are available from 10.00am, ready to start by 11.00am and lasting for approximately one hour. Free car parking is available. The cost of the lecture is £7.00.
For further details on the 2022 lecture programme, a holiday to the Bristol / Bath area, the intended special interest days or the Society in general, please phone Gill on 01909 540506 or email Gordon at, or visit