No speaker was required when Sutton and Barnby Moor Gardening Club met on Thursday 5th December, as this was the occasion of the club’s Christmas dinner! Thirty-six members out of a total of 44 attended.
Diners gathered earlier than usual to socialise, meet and greet their peers, and catch up on all the news and views from in and around the local area. The hall was decorated to a very high standard, after a lot of hard work and effort from the club’s committee and assistance from the village hall committee.
The catering was in the capable hands of local caterers JG Catering, who, as usual, delivered to a very high standard, with members enjoying a two-course meal, followed by teas and coffees and the almost obligatory mince pies. Wines and soft drinks were supplied by the club, along with donations received.
As the night progressed, it was soon raffle time. Eyes down, look in, as major prizes were on offer, provided by the group, with any profits going to club funds. The chairperson, Jenny Bailey, addressed members and gave a quick summary of the year’s programme, hoping to maintain or improve events for 2025.
Thanks were extended to the committee and members for their support, as well as to the caterers for their efforts on the night. A vote of thanks for the committee was given from the floor.