Ordsall residents are still hopeful of:
- Jonny and Lynnette, the country and western duo, in Ordsall Parish Hall on Saturday 26th June in the early evening. Devotees will know the duo have been for several years, usually to a sell out. The route map suggests that all restrictions will be eased on 21st June at the earliest, so there is a reasonable degree of hope that this event will be able to take place, possibly with social distancing. If this is still the case, then they may have to have two sittings to accommodate enough people to justify the gig. Anyone who is, like us, hopeful may apply for tickets (£12.00) and information to Peter and Shirley on 01777 706433.
- Ordsall Summer Fair in the grounds of Ordsall House on Saturday 10th July in the afternoon. Ordsall residents will know this event has been run over many years and should have taken place in 2020 but was cancelled due to COVID restrictions. An exciting part of the fair this year will be an outdoor circus-type event on the terrace alongside Ordsall House. The fair will be a really welcome event to cheer the organisers and the Ordsall community. Thanks to Mrs Faulkner for inviting the event to take place in the grounds again.
- All Hallows Church services to begin again in April in time for Easter. Keep an eye on the notice boards in the church grounds for details.
There was much positive feedback on the Valentine’s Trail through the churchyard back in February. People appreciated the chance to send a message of love to those whom they missed and to read the poetry displayed. This trail, and the trail at Christmas, have encouraged the church members to make them a regular feature at special times of the year. Contributions from the Ordsall community would be very welcome. Contact the church office if you are interested – allhallowsordsall@hotmail.co.uk or 01777 702515.