Retford Women’s World Day of Prayer service

by | 23 February 2018 | Community Event, Retford

Spring is just around the corner and you may have noticed its very first hopeful signs in gardens and countryside. “And I think to myself what a wonderful world!”, those first heralds of spring might cause us to sing, along with Louis Armstrong.

The theme for the Women’s World Day of Prayer Service this year is ‘All God’s Creation is Very Good!’ and it is a celebration of the beauty of our world as well as a challenge to us all to care for it. It has been prepared for us this year by the Christian women of Suriname (the former Surinam), a country on the north coast of South America between Guyana and French Guyana.

Suriname is a beautiful country, boasting forests and mountains, a rich diversity of flowers, fruit and animals, and provides enough food for all. In the prayer service the women of Suriname urge us to cherish God’s gift of Creation and to care for it responsibly so that we may pass it on, unspoiled, to future generations.

Taking part in the service, Retford residents shall be part of a great wave of prayer that encircles the whole world — starting as the sun rises over Samoa and ending some 36 hours later, with the sunset over American Samoa. The service will be celebrated in 170 countries and islands, and in the British Isles, some 6,000 services will be taking place.
If you would like to share in this global experience, the service in Retford this year will be taking place on the first Friday in March (as ever), 2nd March, at 2.00pm, at Hallcroft Methodist Church, (just beyond the zebra crossing on Hallcroft Road, local parking available). The service is open to those from any church, or none, men or women. You will be sure of a very warm welcome. The colourful service lasts about one hour.