Retford Textiles Group

by | 29 February 2020 | Gainsborough, Hobbies, Retford, Sherwood

Retford Textiles Group is a new group which has recently been reformed; it was formerly North Notts Creative Textile Group. This is an exciting period for the group as new programmes of study are being developed and are already being introduced. Workshops, speakers and visits are planned for the coming year.
Their agenda for the next few months is:

  • February 2020 — Leather work demonstration and workshop (all tools and materials will be provided by the speaker)
  • March — innovative ideas and suggestions for reworking pre-used fabrics
  • April — Weaving/needle-felting.

The group meet on the first Wednesday evening of the month at 6.30pm for 7.00pm at The Goodwin Hall, Retford. There will be no meeting in January. They extend a warm welcome to new members no matter what experience of textiles they have.