Retford Lions Club

by | 6 November 2024 | Lions, Retford

Retford Lions are busy renovating Santa’s sleigh and planning for their visits around town and the local area in the busy run-up to Christmas. Planning becomes more difficult each year with the addition of new estates in the town. Whilst they endeavour to visit all, inevitably, some areas will be missed.

Static opportunities to see Santa will also be available. These will be published locally, along with the usual programme. Santa will be in the town hall as usual, giving children the opportunity to whisper in his ear what presents they wish for. Please watch for dates nearer to December.

Retford Lions are appealing for anyone who can spare a little time in the evening during December to help with Santa sleigh visits. They start around 5.45pm and finish at 7.45pm. If you are able-bodied and would like to help, contact them via their Facebook page: Retford Lions Club.