The March meeting of Retford Ladies Probus Club took on an avian theme, when Annette Mackenzie introduced members to her beautiful barn owl Brillo, who waited patiently in his black box while Annette shared her journey to becoming ‘Owlin’ Mad’.
Having picked up leaflets from Gainsborough Old Hall, she enrolled on an inset day in birds of prey and went on to do an advanced course. She was hooked! She has worked with owls and owned owls for many years and was the perfect speaker to impart knowledge. Annette has four owls which she says all have their own personalities and her passion for them shines through.
The next meeting of the Club is on Wednesday 10th April at Westhill Community Centre, at 10.00am for 10.30am, when they will be discovering Clumber Park with Maggy Watkins. All are welcome.