President Angela Haynes welcomed back speaker Patsy Rayner to Retford Ladies Probus Club’s April meeting to present more images of Japan. Patsy has been visiting Japan on a regular basis for the last 24 years. She has a Japanese daughter in law and three lovely grandchildren and, as a consequence, has intimate knowledge of the Japanese way of life.
Her fascinating talk covered houses in Japan, the Japanese custom of removing shoes, the bathroom etiquette, community practices, Japanese festivals and weddings, schooling and work ethic. What a truly fascinating country! Every act of symbolism is embedded in their daily lives and many practise Shintoism and Buddhism. Perhaps we could learn from them!
The Club’s next meeting is on Wednesday 10th May at Westfield Community Centre, Ordsall at 10.00am for a 10.30am start, when Jane Price will engage members with a ‘Funny Kind of Coffee Shop’. All are welcome.